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adriana delpiano
Adriana Delpiano
Minister of Education, Chile’s Government

Master Degree in Education from the Centro de Estudios Avanzados de México and Social Worker from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Minister of Education of Chile’s Government, chaired by President Michelle Bachelet. She has worked in public organizations, such as Corporación de la Reforma Agraria (CORA) and she was in charge of the Interdisciplinary Program on Education Research. Likewise, she was minister of National Assets during the government of President Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle, minister of the National Service of Women (Chile) during the government of President Ricardo Lagos Escobar and regional governor of the Región Metropolitana, Chile, during the first goverment of President Michelle Bachelet. Also, she was executive director of the Foundation Educacion 2020, an organization which seeks for quality and equity in chilean education.