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Encuentros BCN 2016

Event Program

Día 1
Wednesday October 26 - 2016

The objective of this plenary will discuss the challenges of the emergency, extension and consolidation of the knowledge society for social equity. The knowledge society is characterized by giving importance to scientific knowledge, communication and technologies in the current social order, but also faces the challenge of access and positioning of citizenship to this new context. Therefore, from the perception of experts, we will seek to create a space for dialogue and reflection that allows us to project a more inclusive society and equitable knowledge.

Día 2
Thursday October 27 - 2016
KEYNOTE LECTURE NOBEL PRIZE "Magical Power of d-block Transition Metals – Past, Present, and Future"

Speaker: Ei-ichi Negishi
Moderator: Pere Cabot

Día 3
Friday October 28 - 2016
Science policy in Chile and Europe: debates for the political institutional development

The objective of this plenary will be to know trajectories and the future challenges involving the development of the new generation of scientific policies by the institutions, public and private, in contemporary societies. In this case, we will focus on the situation in Chile and Europe to discuss the direction that these policies should take to ensure its success and sustainability over time.


Pablo Rivera

Pablo Rivera

PhD in Education and Society at the Universidad de Barcelona (UB). Postdoctoral Research in Adult Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Master Degree in Political Analysis and Institutional Counseling. Master Degree in Superior Education (UB). Master Degree in Social Sciences, Universidad de Chile. Sociologist, Universidad de Concepción. Lecturer Associate at the Department of Teaching and Educational Organization at Universitat de Barcelona. Researcher at the consolidated research group ESBRINA — Subjectivities, visualizations and current educational environments (2014 SGR 632) of the Universitat de Barcelona.

Rommy Olivares

Rommy Olivares

PhD (c) in Eurpean PhD in Socio Economic and Statistical Studies. PhD in Sociology from the Universidad de Barcelona. Researcher at the European Project Trajectories of modernity: comparing non-European and European varieties project. TRAMOD. Universidad de Barcelona. Researcher at the Center for the Study of Culture, Politics and Society (CECUPS) of the Universidad de Barcelona. She is sociologyst from the Universidad Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile. Master Degree in Aplicated Sociology Reasearch from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (2010) and Master studies in in Applied Economics in Public Policy (2009), Universidad Alberto Hurtado - Georgetown University.

Elena Sánchez
Program Director, Coordination

Elena Sánchez

Program Director, Coordination -

PhD in Plant Biology at the Universidad de Barcelona (UB). Master in Environmental Agrobiology (UB). Bachelor Degree in Enology at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Technical Agricultural Engineer, specialist in food industry (Universidad Pública de Navarra). Academic at the Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering and Biotechnology, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

Camilo López
Program Director

Camilo López

Program Director -

PhD (c) in Plant Biology at Universitat de Barcelona, Master in Integrative Biology and Physiology of from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI (UPMC), Biochemist from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). Activities and financial manager of RedINCHE (2016-to date).

Daniela Díaz
Program Director

Daniela Díaz

Program Director -

Master in Biomedical Research at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Bachelor Degree in Veterinary Medicine from the Universidad Mayor de Chile (UMAYOR). Representative of RedINCHE (2016-up to date).

Álvaro Muñoz
Financial Director

Álvaro Muñoz

Financial Director - a.muñ

Business Diploma at the Universidad de Chile (UdeCh), Bachelor Degree in Economical and Administrative Sciences (UdeCh). Cofounder of marketing and technology-based start-ups.

Paulina Guajardo
Operations and Logistic Director

Paulina Guajardo

Operations and Logistic Director -

PhD (c) in Communications and Journalism at the Univeristat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).Master in Strategic Planning and Public Relations at the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). Publicist and Bachelor in Social Communication at the Universidad Diego Portales; Diploma in Web Manager and Design Pro, Escuela Underground, Argentina.

Christian Arenas
Operations and Logistic Director, Coordination

Christian Arenas

Operations and Logistic Director, Coordination -

PhD (c) at the Department of Didactics in Language and Literature (DLL in Spanish) of the Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Master in DLL at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Spanish language Teacher and Bachelor in Education at the Universidad de Playa Ancha, Chile. Collaborator at the Binding Group of the Facultat de Psicología (UB) and fellow of the postgraduate "Detection and treatment of learning desabilities”.

Klaus Dreckmann
Operations and Logistic Director

Klaus Dreckmann

Operations and Logistic Director -

PhD (c) in Law and Political Science at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Master in Criminology and Criminal Law Sociology (UB). Lawyer of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso. Criminal litigator. Researcher in the Observatory of Penal System and Human Rights, at the Universitat de Barcelona.

Ignacio Riffo
Communications Director

Ignacio Riffo

Communications Director -

PhD (c) in Communication Sciences at the Univeristat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). Master in Media, Communication and Culture (UAB). Journalist and Bachelor of Social Communication by the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción. Member of the Latin American Research Network Imaginarios y Representaciones (RIIR). Responsible of the Communication Area RedINCHE (2016-to date).

Claudia Farah
Communications Director

Claudia Farah

Communications Director -

MA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE): Philosophy and Public Affairs by The University of York, England and Degree in Social Communication by the UNIACC. Journalist with extensive experience as press advisor management in different industries and collaborator in various Chilean media.

Agnieszka Bozanic Leal
Social Networks Director

Agnieszka Bozanic Leal

Social Networks Director -

PhD (c) in Medicine and Translational Research. Master in Psychogerontology, University of Barcelona. Psychologist, Graduate Diploma in Systemic Psychology and Public Policy, Aging and Society, Universidad de Chile. Responsible of the Communication Area RedINCHE.

Isidora Sáez
Protocol Director

Isidora Sáez

Protocol Director -

PhD in Social Sicences and Heritage teaching (University of Barcelon), Master Degree in Latin American Studies (University of Chile), a Master in research on Teaching and educational assessment (University of Barcelon) and is B.A. in History. She is teacher at the Faculty of Education of the University of Barcelona. Her research lines are History teaching and citizenship education in compulsory education and textbooks tasks.


Macarena Trujillo
Women and Science Deputy Director

Macarena Trujillo

Women and Science Deputy Director -

PhD (c) in Sociology at Universitat de Barcelona. Master in Sociology (UB), Master in Gender Equality at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Sociologist, Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Researcher at Grupo COPOLIS (UB). Asistant professor at Universidad de Playa Ancha, Chile.

Strategic Planning Deputy Director


Strategic Planning Deputy Director -

Sociologist, PhD in Education and Society from the Universidad de Barcelona. Magister in Social Research and Development, and Master in Superior Education. Project Manager at the Center for Organizational Engineering, Industrial Engineering Department, Universidad de Chile. Educational Department of Sociology, Universidad de Playa Ancha. PCI Project Manager, Corporate Communications.

Jaime de la Rocha
Jaime de la Rocha
Biomedical Investigation Deputy Director
Jaime de la Rocha

Jaime de la Rocha

Biomedical Investigation Deputy Director -

Graduated in Physics and Mathematics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). He did his thesis in the Theorical Neuroscience field (UAM) in 2004.
He was researcher at New York (2004-08) and in the Rutgers University (2008-2010) and then he started an independent career as researcher Ramón y Cajal at d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS) in Barcelona (2010-2015). Nowadays he leads the Cortical Circuit Dynamics Group (IDIBAPS), where he investigate the neural bases of behavior.

carlos yevenes
Carlos Yévenes
Economy Deputy Director
carlos yevenes

Carlos Yévenes

Economy Deputy Director -

PhD (c) in Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. Bachelor Degree in Economics from the Universidad de Santiago, Chile. Academic at the Faculty of Administration and Economics of the Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

Jorge Ramirez Flores
Health Deputy Director

Jorge Ramirez Flores

Health Deputy Director -

Medical doctor. Master and Specialist in Public Health of University of Chile, Master's degree in Global Health, University of California San Francisco. He worked as General Practitioner during the period 2003-2007 and has served as professor of School of Public Health of University of Chile and leaded several projects of research in areas such as Mental Health, Primary Health Care and Health Planning. He has advised the Ministry of Health of Chile in development of health policy (National Strategy on Alcohol 2010; National Health Plan 2011-2020)

Marcela Torres
Marcela Torres Gómez
Forestry and Agricultural Development Deputy Director
Marcela Torres

Marcela Torres Gómez

Forestry and Agricultural Development Deputy Director -

PhD in Environmental Science and Technology with a minor in Ecological Economics and Environmental Management (UAB), Master in Environmental Studies (UAB) and Environmentala Biologist (U. de Chile). He currently works as an expert researcher in managing environmental, social and governance risks of climate change in the Fundación Adapt-Chile: Resiliencia al Cambio Global.

Carlos Aguirre
Carlos Aguirre
Infrastructure Science Deputy Director
Carlos Aguirre

Carlos Aguirre

Infrastructure Science Deputy Director -

PhD in Urban Management and Valuation from the Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC) and Master Degree in Urban Management and Valuation from the same university, Civil Constructor of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). Member of the University Senate of UPC (2009-2012) and the Consell de Govern de l'UPC (2009-2012). Spokerman of the Assembly of Barcelona's graduate students (2008-2009). Coordinator of the Network of Construction schools headmasters Chile (2013-to the present). Director of the Construction's School at the Universidad de las Americas (UDLA) (2013-to the present).

Judith Muñoz
Education Deputy Director

Judith Muñoz

Education Deputy Director -

Master and Ph.D (c) in Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Diploma in Gender Studies and Public Policy by the Universidad de Chile. Degree in Social Work from the Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV). Professor, Department of Curriculum and Educational Organization (DOE) of the Faculty of Education at the Universidad de Barcelona (UB). Sociological research group Analytical and Institutional Design -GSADI- Department of Sociology at the UAB

Daniel Paredes
Daniel Paredes
Scientific Networks Deputy Director
Daniel Paredes

Daniel Paredes

Scientific Networks Deputy Director -

PhD (c) in Educational Psychology at the Universidad de Barcelona (UB). Master in Educational Psychology (UB). Professor of General Education from the Universidad de Concepción. Professor of Special Education and Intellectual Disability mention Bachelor of Education from the Universidad de Concepción. GRINTIE partner research group of the Faculty of Psychology UB and fellow CONICYT scholarship program. RedINCHE coordinator (2016-to date).


Viernes 28 Marzo - 2025


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